BS5837 Tree Reports

Are you looking for a BS5837 tree report to enable you to get planning permission your proposed project? The local authority tree officer may require the information as part of your submission, or alternatively may have requested the information as a condition.
BS5837 Tree Reports

Whether you are a developer, architect or planning consultant with multiple large sites, a builder with small to large sites on the go or an individual householder organising and project managing your own extension works. We are able to assist you in all of these situations for you to achieve your goal

We will use the VALID tree assessment method on any trees considered to be potentially dangerous. This method is described in more detail on our tree health and safety survey page.

Arbor Cultural Ltd are able to assist you with all these aspects to enable you to complete your planning process.

IA BS5837 Tree Report is an important element to know exactly what trees that you have on your site, how important they are and the impact that they will have on the proposed development and that the development will have on them.

It is a basic report to address the trees on the site and on neighbouring land immediat3ley adjacent to the proposed development. It will start off with an Executive Summary and the Terms of Reference, the documentation that has been provided, and an introduction to the site.

The introduction will include a record of the trees on and adjacent to the site, the proposed works, issues of lighting and shading, and the site levels and soil types and condition.

This will lead into the BS5837 Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA) and the Tree Constraints Plan (TCP).