Are you looking for a BS5837 tree survey to enable you to get planning permission your proposed project? The local authority tree officer may well require you to submit this information as part of your submission, or alternatively may have requested you to submit the information to discharge a condition.
We have extensive experience in these matters having works on both sides of the fence. Initially as tree officers and then as private consultants. We have the knowledge skills and experience to assist you to see your project from design to completion of the construction.
BS5837 Tree Survey

Whether you are a developer, architect or planning consultant with multiple large sites, a builder with small to large sites on the go or an individual householder organising and project managing your own extension works. We are able to assist you in all of these situations for you to achieve your goal.

Arbor Cultural Ltd are able to assist you with all these aspects to enable you to complete your planning process.


A BS5837 Tree Survey is an important element to know exactly what trees that you have on your site, how important they are and the impact that they will have on the proposed development and that the development will have on them.

Ideally, there would be a topographical survey of the site, but on small sites, we are able to triangulate the locations of trees and plot them. The trees will be numbered, identified, categorised and measured to establish the constraints that they pose on any development.

We will as part of our assessment recommend any tree work that we consider necessary on health and safety grounds or where it cannot be avoided to remove part or all the tree to enable a better planning application. We would always like to ensure suitable replacements are provided as mitigation. This will provide a continuity of tree cover.

The main constraints will be the stem diameter crown spread crown height and the root protection area calculated from the stem diameter.

These will be plotted on a tree constraints plan (TCP) which will be used along with the ground conditions and other site features to produce a tree protection plan (TPP). We have examples of these on our tree constraints plan and tree protection plan on the respective pages.

As part of the assessment, the condition of the tree and its category must be established. In doing this we at Arbor Cultural Ltd will do a full health and safety assessment and all the significant trees within influencing distance of the property or potential property. Why would you not want your tree expert to provide this service for you?

We are the last professional to look at your trees and you would obviously benefit from a professional assessment of any potential risk posed by them.

Some people undertaking BS5837 tree surveys for planning applications don’t consider this to be an important aspect and are not qualified in assessing the safety and condition of trees. We consider that to be negligent as we are acting as a tree professional when we visit your site to inspect your trees and consider that all other BS5837 tree surveyors should take the same approach.
We will use the VALID tree assessment method on any trees considered to be potentially dangerous. This method is described in more detail on our tree health and safety survey page.

Arboricultural Consultants in Surrey